Friday, August 21, 2020

Analysing engineering product Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Examining designing item - Essay Example omotive segments division is the biggest of the three business zones which utilizes 60% of the workforce and a large portion of its business originates from its abroad divisions. The contextual analysis centers around this business region of the organization. The car parts division is likewise first level provider to worldwide last makers of vehicles and 49% of its deal originates from Europe and for the most part from Germany, France and Spain where 69% of its abroad workforce is utilized. In the ongoing years, taking a gander at the requests of its clients, the organization has normalized the creation lines and its working practices in the entirety of its destinations around the world. The fundamental reasons being that however the vehicles sold in various nations may fluctuate marginally, they are by the by delivered in comparative way in this way requiring the requirement for same determinations for the parts of the vehicles in various nations. The organization has been convinced to normalize in light of the fact that the majority of its customers are multinationals who have their business spread all through the world. disguise; MNEs are the vehicle through which creation has gotten global and elements of creation, for example, the board, work and innovation have become versatile internationally† (Stopford and Strange 1991).Multinational organizations have the upside of working their business in various nations all through the world with a similar norm and proficiency. Thus they for the most part incline toward those organizations as their providers which can give item or administrations that have same details worldwide and can be unreservedly utilized by any or the entirety of their all inclusive found activities. Designing Product Company has in this way figured out how to increase worldwide clients by normalizing forms in their creation lines in various nations. The rebuilding, incorporated and smoothed out the organization and creation lines of its different locales over the globe. All the already comprehensively decentralized plants have now been brought under a typical code of

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Ruling out Conditions for a Mental Health Diagnosis

Ruling out Conditions for a Mental Health Diagnosis Basics Print Ruling Out Conditions for a Mental Health Diagnosis By Amy Morin, LCSW facebook twitter instagram Amy Morin, LCSW, is a psychotherapist, author of the bestselling book 13 Things Mentally Strong People Dont Do, and a highly sought-after speaker. Learn about our editorial policy Amy Morin, LCSW Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on January 18, 2020 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on February 03, 2020 izusek / E / Getty Images More in Psychology Basics Psychotherapy Student Resources History and Biographies Theories Phobias Emotions Sleep and Dreaming The term rule out is used by mental health professionals who are trying to make an accurate diagnosis. The symptoms of many mental health conditions are similar or overlap so before a clear diagnosis can be made, clinicians must rule out a variety of other conditions.?? If your teen is having trouble concentrating, a therapist may want to rule out ADHD or PTSD. Or, if your teen seems depressed, a mental health professional may want to rule out bipolar disorder before making a depressive disorder diagnosis.   Figuring Out the Right Diagnosis Finding an accurate diagnosis for  troubled teens can be difficult and initially several possible mental health disorders  may seem to explain your teens emotional or behavioral problems.?? Because of this, the process of finding a correct diagnosis is conducted in a logical, step-by-step manner that considers all the possibilities, and then narrows them down to the diagnosis or diagnoses (sometimes more than one) that most closely match your teens symptoms. Getting the right diagnosis is extremely important in order to be able to successfully treat your teens symptoms. Its a mental health professionals job to use different methods to figure out exactly which disorder in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual  (DSM-5) fits your teen best.  ?? Through this process, which is also used with medical conditions, the most accurate diagnosis is reached through a process of elimination. A clinician determines the best diagnosis by methodically discarding the ones that do not fit.   An Example of the Difficulty of Diagnosis Defiant behavior may be a symptom of several conditions, such as oppositional  defiant disorder,  depression, or substance abuse. But a little defiance may not necessarily signal a mental health issue. Oppositional behavior may also stem from past trauma or learned behavior from an unhealthy group of friends.  The mental health professional evaluating this teen is likely to say, “First we will rule out depression, then we will consider other possibilities.”?? Steps Mental Health Professionals Use to Rule Out Diagnoses Mental illnesses arent always cut and dried. Professionals dont simply use a checklist to arrive at a diagnosis. Instead, most conditions are diagnosed after a series of interviews where a clinician considers an individuals background and environment. This is important because symptoms need to be taken in context. For example, a teen who is misbehaving at school may be acting out because he has a learning disability or because hes bullied, not necessarily because he has a primary behavior disorder.?? The  mental health professional  will gather information about your teen. A thorough history is obtained and the clinician will consider information from a variety of sources, including the teen, parents, physician, and teachers.  A clinician may interview everyone or might provide forms to fill out.Substance abuse issues are considered. If there is substance abuse involved, the clinician needs to figure out to what degree your teens symptoms may be due to the substance abuse or if he is abusing the substance because of the psychiatric symptoms. Depression and anxiety disorders, for example, often increase a teens risk for substance abuse.Medical problems are considered. The next step is ruling out a medical condition as the cause of your teens psychiatric symptoms. For example, an untreated thyroid condition can cause depression.  Environmental issues are assessed. Sometimes, mental health issues stem from stressful life events. Past trauma or a recent change, such as moving to a ne w city, may temporarily cause problems for a teen.Psychiatric issues are considered. Mental health providers will use the DSM-5 to consider potential mental health disorders. Symptoms are compared and a clinician may establish a clear diagnosis.  The impact on your teens life is considered. A clinician will consider how much functioning is impaired. A clinician will evaluate whether your teens symptoms are impacting her life enough to warrant a diagnosis. Mild anxiety that doesnt impact a teens social life, education, or work may not meet the requirement for mental health diagnosis. How Mental Health Professionals Use the DSM Today How to Get Help For Your Teen If you suspect your teen may have a mental health condition, seek professional help. Start by talking to your teens physician. Express any concerns you have about your teens mood or behavior. Your teens physician may make a referral to a therapist, psychiatrist, or other mental health professional. A thorough assessment and evaluation can help a clinician rule out specific mental health conditions while also arriving at an accurate diagnosis if a diagnosis is warranted.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Pros and Cons of Using Ethanol Biofuel E85

Approximately 49 million ethanol flexible-fuel cars, motorcycles and light trucks were sold in the United States by mid-2015, yet many buyers still remain unaware that the car they own can utilize E85. E85 is 85 percent ethanol and 15 percent gasoline.   Ethanol is a biofuel that produced in the U.S. with corn. Ethanol fuel  is  ethyl alcohol, the same type of  alcohol  found in  alcoholic beverages.  It has been part of the nation’s fuel supply for almost 40  years. Research shows that ethanol may help lower fuel costs, improve air quality and increase octane. Ethanol can be used in any vehicle and is covered under warranty by every automaker in the U.S. Some cars can use more ethanol than others. What Is a Flexible-Fuel Vehicle A  flexible-fuel vehicle is  also known as an  alternative fuel vehicle  with an  internal combustion engine designed to run on more than one  fuel, usually, gasoline  blended with either  ethanol  or  methanol fuel, and both fuels are stored in the same common tank.   Vehicles That Are E85 Compatible The U.S. Department of Energy tracks fuel economy information and helps consumers perform flex-fuel cost comparisons and calculations. The department also maintains a database of all E85 compatible vehicles.   Flexible-fuel vehicles have been produced since the 1990s, and more than 100 models are currently available. Since these cars look just like gasoline-only models, you may be driving a flexible-fuel vehicle and not even know it. Advantages of Flex-Fuel Vehicles Switching to an ethanol-based fuel moves us further from using up our depletable fossil fuels and closer to U.S. energy independence. Ethanol production in the U.S. primarily comes from corn. In the American Midwest, corn fields are set aside for ethanol production, which has been shown to have a positive effect on job growth and stability. Ethanol is also greener than gasoline because corn and other plants absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere as they grow. The fuel still releases CO2 when you burn it, but it is believed that the net increase is lower. Any car since 1980 has been designed to handle up to 10 percent ethanol in the gasoline, letting you run that percentage of your miles on a domestic fuel rather than irreplaceable fossil fuels. Disadvantages of Flex-Fuel Vehicles Flex-fuel vehicles may not experience a loss in performance when operating on E85, in fact, some generate more torque and horsepower than when operating on gasoline, but since E85 has less energy per volume than gasoline, flex-fuel vehicles can get up to 30 percent fewer miles per gallon when fueled with E85. This means you will get fewer miles per dollar spent. If filling up with flex-fuel is what you want, then finding a flex-fuel station might be a little difficult. Only about 3,000 stations across the U.S. sell E85 at the moment and most of those stations are in the Midwest. To give you some perspective, there are about 150,000 gas stations in the country. Despite the promising research, there are still question marks regarding the agricultural impacts and real energy balance of growing crops to use as fuel.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Workaholism A Social Problem of The Present - 4847 Words

Manoj Adhikari ENG -122 Date: 12/05/2012 Workaholism: A Social Problem of The Present Introduction In the modern society, the problem of workaholism is quite acute. According to studies, most strongly this illness affects employees in Japan and the UK; this issue is relevant for the well. There have always been people who work more than others and could not imagine their life without work. However, with the commercialization of society, their number has increased dramatically. In the period of rapid development of new technologies and intense competition in almost all professional fields, there are more and more people who dedicate to work and career making a lot of time. First of all,†¦show more content†¦They don’t have social lives who works more than 40 hours per week according to my interview with two hard worker Immigrant. I have conducted two different interviews for my paper on Workaholics. First, I spoke with a lady from Africa. Her name was Malika Foster who has been living in the country for five years with her family. Malika works around 70 hours per week at two nursing homes. The reason behind her working 70 hours per week is that she has been working like this since she arrived in the country with her family. She had dream about beau tiful life, home and a job with her family in the USA before she came here as an immigrant. She had to work so hard to for her dream which is the reason for her to work more than 40 hours per week. She continued her conversation that she got her dream house but not a good life and job. She said she has to make a payment of the house and also send money back in Africa for her parents and relatives. She mentioned that she can’t live without money and likes to see big savings on her account; she enjoyed working more than 40 hours per week with any obligation in her daily life (M. Foster). Life is not a bed of rose and struggle is the second nick name of life , said by Amir Sharma an immigrant person from an India who I had my second personal interview. Amir came from India last two years ago and started working at the gas station. He said he never expected to have a life like a donkey in America. He mentioned that heShow MoreRelatedAddiction : Addiction And Its Effects On An Individual s Health And Mental State1199 Words   |  5 Pages Workaholism: Addiction to work A Critique Submitted by Vincent Torbellin El Centro College Psychology 2301, Section 51760, Fall 2014 Abstract Addiction to work (workaholism) is a manifested disorder. It has negative effects on an individual’s health and mental state, as well as their family and social life. The research (Shifron Reysen, 2011) states the addiction can be due to a sense of job security, marital problems, or a feeling of self-belonging. Research (Shifron ReysenRead MoreWorking Time1538 Words   |  7 Pagesthat people work more hours nowadays. Workaholism, which is used by scholars, to describe the phenomenon, brings about a huge revolution in the way people work. The change of work pattern leads to personal problems. There were quite a few divorces caused by the complaints made by one partner on the other partner’s too heavy work load and pressure. There also are workaholic fathers who have never seen his baby awake because of the busy work. Even some social issues are attributed to it. Less peopleRead MoreThe And Its Effects On Individual s Physical And Psychological Health1283 Words   |à ‚  6 PagesThe term â€Å"workaholism† holds no universal definition. On one hand, it is considered similar to addiction to chemical substances, and on the other it is a behavioral issue that has to potential to obstruct basic life functions like sleep, nourishment, and maintenance of personal relationships. Workaholism is not always viewed as the amount of time that one spends working, but rather the amount of time that one spends thinking about work or work-related tasks. Some feel guilt during leisure time ifRead MoreThe And Its Effects On Individuals Physical And Psychological Health1529 Words   |  7 Pages The term â€Å"workaholism† holds no universal definition. On one hand, it is considered similar to addiction to chemical substances, and on the other it is a behavioral issue that has to potential to obstruct basic life functions like sleep, nourishment, and maintenance of personal relationships. Workaholism is also not always viewed as the amount of time that one spends working, but rather the amount of time that one spends thinking about work or work-related tasks. Some feel guilt during leisureRead MoreLife s Test : The And Growth Of Insecurities, Self, And Self Esteem998 Words   |  4 Pagess self-esteem develops in a social context, the basic teaching reminds the pastor that there is no referent outside the self. However, in the Christian direction of things, self-esteem is basically bipolar. It is a personal feeling rooted in one s practical knowledge of God and self-esteem. The experience of self-esteem is man s last but one, resulting passionate response to see ing self in his light. It is this individual who finds conflict with the larger social order. The pastors must loseRead MoreThe Strange Case Of Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde : Literary Review1515 Words   |  7 PagesLanyon. Robert Lewis Stevenson’s The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde represents the clash in the duality within man and society – good versus evil—which is intertwined and defined by one another. 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Once this is done, communication becomesRead MoreExistential Humanistic Counselling, And The Role Of Bracketing2269 Words   |  10 Pagesthe Client’s Experience, According to Van Deurzen-Smith The Existential worldview of the client’s experience, according to Van Deurzen Smith (1997), revolves around the four dimensions of worldly being. The four dimensions include the physical, the social, the personal and the spiritual. The physical dimension outlines the natural, biological world of the person, in which they are more likely to behave in an instinctual way (Van Deurzen, 2002). This dimension includes attention to physical sensationsRead MoreCross-Cultural Communication Problems in Expatriation- an American Working in Japan1812 Words   |  8 PagesCross-cultural communication problems in Expatriation: An American Working in Japan case.      I decided to choose this topic because in the modern world, where globalization takes over the economy, the cross-cultural communication is becoming increasingly important subject to address for organizations and especially for its Human Resource Management.   Whether it is a multinational company with subsidiaries all over the world, or a manufacturing company with distribution network across continentsRead MoreHow Addiction Effects the Psychological and Physical Functioning of Daily Life7330 Words   |  30 Pagesindividual to engage in some specific activity, despite harmful consequences to the individual’s health, mental state or social life. The term is often reserved for drug addictions but it is sometimes applied to other compulsions, such as problems gambling, and compulsive overeating. Factors that have been suggested as causes of addiction include genetic, biological/pharmacological and social factors. Decades ago addiction was a pharmacological term that clearly referred to the use of a tolerance-inducing

Who Else Is Misleading Us About Argumentative Essay Samples Bulk?

Who Else Is Misleading Us About Argumentative Essay Samples Bulk? There are lots of specialized online shop and wellness blogs. There is a range of reasons why students utilize online writing services. Distinct media channels like TV channels and societal networks have an excellent effect on human life. If you wish to share because many examples from your private life and experience as possible, most probably you will recall your family members and friends. In case you've wrapped up your primary argument, but you lack the idea about what's next, you own a reason to discover online academic writing service. There are more than a few reasons as to why you might need to earn your order with It is a good idea to explain how and why other opinions aren't relevant. Always keep in mind that you're not just arguing about your stand but in addition counter the potential stand of the opposing viewpoint. Top Argumentative Essay Samples Bulk Choices A te rrific conclusion will summarize all data that has happened in the guide and use it in order to give one final reason why you ought to join our side. Normally, conclusion length is all about 11% of essay. When you develop this kind of essay, you have to make your claims by your composition so it will be open fordebate. The thing you ought to do to be able to structure an argumentative essay is to set a claim that's debatable. There are an assortment of criteria. These forms of essays need thorough research since you'll want to defend your stand. Should you need no cost examples of ready papers, visit the corresponding site. Gathering material is the initial step, followed by means of a summary and an overview. An essay introduces claims about either side of an issue. An argumentative essay presents either side of a problem. It is a type of essay that presents arguments about both sides of an issue. It is a type of thesis or composition where you have to present your view and attempt to convince others that your facts and arguments are correct. Arguments always occur in a specific context. Winning an argument isn't easy. Definitions of Argumentative Essay Samples Bulk You can also see concept essays. Overall, no matter the subject, the essay needs to be written in a logical and succinct way. This essay is an excellent case of a standard argumentative essay. Have a look at this argumentative essay infographic! Because of the simple fact that all of the solutions you discuss in the essay will be plausible and feasible, it's unlikely that you are going to be in a position to utterly and entirely refute all them. The aim of the Proposing a Solution essay is to persuade, but it's a distinctive type of argumentative essay. How to Get Started with Argumentative Essay Samples Bulk? An argumentative essay is a writing piece intended to persuade a person to believe the way that you do. At times, you should provide more descriptive facts in case the topic isn't well-known to your intended audience. To make things worse, they were forced to take a seat behind a curtain. Essentially anything that must be understood before reading the remainder of the essay is background info, and ought to be included in the introduction. The Fundamentals of Argumentative Essay Samples Bulk Revealed Writing has existed for quite a lengthy moment. If you begin editing and proofreading straight after writing, y ou'll be more vulnerable to overlook considerable flaws in the paper. The excellent argumentative Scholarship Essay Samples formats and samples are just world-class, and they'll inspire individuals to write argumentative essays in various competitions. It is possible to also see Writing Template. Positive Impact though technology has many negative impacts on teenagers and youth, it's been helpful in a lot of ways. You must cite sources to back up what you've written on the focus. You will then have to approach this issue by gathering, generating, and evaluating credible sources to back up your evidence. Choose the methods required to convey specific details. Argumentative Essay Samples Bulk - the Story Choose a topic which you find appealing and interesting. Look through the list of topics cautiously and commence making a mental collection of the evidence you are able to use on topics you prefer. If you'd like, your topic can be associated with any of your other topics, but it doesn't necessarily need to be the specific same topic you wrote about. Picking an argumentative topic isn't that easy. The Key to Successful Argumentative Essay Samples Bulk The ideal thing about an argumentative essay which contains social issues is you can describe your private experience on the instance of the real-life case. There are several of individuals who don't wish to understand what's in their food. You're not trying to draw folks to your side with emotions. Know as much as possible about your side, but know equally as much if not more on the subject of the opposing side too.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Semester Exam System Erd Essay Example

Semester Exam System Erd Essay Semester Examination System DBMS Lab Assignment Group III Srimanta Singh (004) Samik Saha (015) Prasenjit Gayen (016) 3rd yr. 1st sem. , Department of Computer Sc. Engg. Jadavpur University ASSUMPTIONS Data requirements: ? The major characteristics of the semester examination system are†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. The university has many departments which are identified basically by the department_id. Also the departments have a particular location (campus). ? Each department has teachers. Each teacher is assigned to teach a particular subject. He also has to make question paper and evaluate the answer script. WE have assumed that a teacher can take classes in different department but he will belong to a particular department. ? A particular department may offer few courses. One or more subjects may be same for different courses as well as departments. Same subject (name) in two courses or department is separately identified by the corresponding subject_id. ? Subject_id for a course of a department is unique. ? A student must register to appear in the exam. A registered student is considered as exam candidate. ? Exam can be of two types –regular and supplementary. In case of supplementary a candidate may not have to appear in all the subjects assigned to a particular semester. ? The exam controller section is the administrator of this whole examination system. ENTITY SETS USED IN E-R DIAGRAM For constructing a conceptual schema of this data base, the entity sets and the associated attributes are given below (as our specification of the E-R diagram)†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. ENTITY SETS 1. Student 2. Department 3. Teacher 4. Subject 5. Exam ASSOCIATED ATTRIBUTES Name, Roll No, Reg. No, Contact No Department_id, Name, Location Teacher_id, Name, Contact No, Status Name, Subject_id ,Course, Dept We will write a custom essay sample on Semester Exam System Erd specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Semester Exam System Erd specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Semester Exam System Erd specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Exam_id, Roll No, Sub_id, Exam roll no. 6. Exam Candidate Semester, Year, Exam_id, Sub_id 7. Result 8. Routine Roll no, Exam_id, Sub_id, Grade, Date_of_publish Date, Time, Room No, Exam_id ? Student: Student enrolls in a course in a particular department, each student has a roll no by which they are identified uniquely, and each student also has a registration number. Each student has to enroll to appear in the examination as a candidate. A student also have also have contact number and address. ? Department: University has so many departments. Each department has a unique department_id, name. The departments have their respective location and contact number. ? Teacher Each department has many teachers. Each teacher has their corresponding teacher_id, contact no. , name and status. Each teacher is uniquely identified by the attribute teacher_id. Contact no. of the teachers may have multiple values. ? Subject: Each department offers many courses and each course consists of subjects. Here each subject have subject name, subject_id. The subjects are uniquely identified by their corresponding subject_id. Same subject can be taught in several departments but in that case the subject_id will be different. ? Exam : The whole semester examination system is organized in few exams. These exams are identified by the exam_id, semester and year in which the exam is taken. Exam may be of two types – regular and supplementary. Exam_id is the primary key of this entity. All attributes are atomic. ? Exam Candidate : Each student has to register his name for the examination. After registration for the exam he achieves the candidature for that particular exam. A candidate is uniquely identified by his exam roll no. It contains candidate name, roll no. , sub_id and exam_id. ? Result : Each exam must have their corresponding results. Result is also associated with the students. Thus the result of a student of a particular semester is identified using roll no, subject_id, exam_id. It also contains grade and date of publication of the result as attributes ? Routine : Each exam has a corresponding routine which consists of date, time, room no. and exam_id. RELATIONSHIP SETS FOR DATA BASE In our E-R diagram specified relationship sets and mapping cardinalities are described below: ? Has This is the 1-to-many binary relationship set between department and student entity sets. And the participation of the weak entity set. We also have a one-to-one binary has relationship between the exam and the exam results. ? Belongs to This is the 1-to-many binary relation ship set between DEPARTMENT and TEACHER sets. Because- for a particular department there are many teacher but for a teacher only 1 department is fixed. And the participation of the teacher entity sets in this relation ship sets is partial. ? Teaches This is the many-to-many binary relationship sets between teacher and subjects. Enrolls This is the one-to-one binary relationship sets between Student and Exam Candidate. Component attributes are: date, month, and year. ? Sits for This is a many-to-many binary relationship sets between the Exam Candidate and the Examination. ? Scheduled This is the relationship that holds between the examination and the exam routine. ? Holds This is a many-to-many binary relationship set between the department and the examination. ? ISA This is a relationship set that holds between the exam and the two category of exam-regular and supplementary. Of This relation holds between the exam and subjects as well as the subject and results. ? Gets This is the relationship sets between Exam Candidate and the Results. name dept. no. name belongs to department contact no. teacher teacher-id has of sub-id name roll no. student regd. no. contact no. dept. no. (fk) assigne d to teaches sem year exam-id exam sub-id (fk) ISA of subject name enrolls scheduled routine time room no date exam-id (fk) Sub-id regular sits for supplementary of has exam-id (fk) enrolled gets sub-id sub-id grade roll no. (fk) exam-id (fk) roll no. results Date published

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Profile of Serial Killer Robert Berdella

Profile of Serial Killer Robert Berdella Robert Berdella was one of the most brutal serial killers in U.S. history who participated in despicable acts of sexual torture and murder in Kansas City, Missouri, between 1984 and 1987. Berdella was born in 1949 in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. The Berdella family was Catholic, but Robert left the church when he was in his teens. Berdella proved to be a good student, despite suffering from severe nearsightedness. To see, he had to wear thick glasses, which made him vulnerable to being bullied by his peers. His father was 39 years old when died from a heart attack. Berdella was 16 years old. Not long afterward, his mother remarried. Berdella did little to hide his anger and resentment towards his mother and stepfather. When Murderous Fantasies Began to Fester In 1967, Berdella decided to become a professor and enrolled in the Kansas City Art Institute. He quickly decided on a change of careers and studied to be a chef. It was during this time that his fantasies about torture and murder began to fester. He got some relief by torturing animals, but only for a short time. At age 19, he got into selling drugs and drinking a lot of alcohol. He was arrested for possession of LSD and marijuana, but the charges did not stick. He was asked to leave college in his second year after murdering a dog for the sake of art. For a few afterward, he worked as a chef, but quit and opened his store called Bob’s Bazarre Bazaar in Kansas City, Missouri. The store specialized in novelty items that appealed to those with darker and occult-type taste. Around the neighborhood, he was considered odd but was liked and participated in organizing a local community crime watch programs. However, inside his home, it was discovered that Robert ‘Bob’ Berdella lived in a world dominated by  sadomasochistic slavery, murder and barbarous torture. What Went On Behind Closed Doors On April 2, 1988, a neighbor found a young man on his porch clad in only a dog collar fastened around his neck. The man told the neighbor an incredible tale of sexual tortuous abuse that he had endured at the hands of Berdella. The police placed Berdella in custody and searched his home where 357 photographs of victims in various positions of torture were recovered. Also found were torture devices, occult literature, ritual robes, human skills and bones and a human head in Berdella’s yard. The Photographs Disclose Murder By April 4 the authorities had an overwhelming amount of evidence to charge Berdella on seven counts of sodomy, one count of felonious restraint and one account of first-degree assault. After closer scrutiny of the photographs, it was discovered that six of the 23 men identified were homicide victims. The other people in the pictures were there voluntarily and participated in  sadomasochistic activities with the victims. The Torture Diary Berdella established the Rules of the House which were mandatory for his victims or they risked being beaten or receiving bolts of electric shock on sensitive areas of their bodies. In a detailed diary that Berdella kept, he logged details and the effects of the torture he would subject upon his victims. He seemed to have a fascination with injecting drugs, bleach, and other caustics into the eyes and throats of his victims then anally raped or inserted foreign objects inside of them. No Indication of Satanic Rituals On December 19, 1988, Berdella pled guilty to one count of first and to an additional four counts of second-degree murder for the deaths of other victims. There were attempts by various media organizations to try to connect the crimes of Berdella to the idea of a national underground satanic group but the investigators responded that over 550 people were interviewed and at no point was there any indication that the crimes were connected to a satanic ritual or group. Life in Prison Berdella received life in prison where he died of a heart attack in 1992 soon after writing a letter to his minister claiming that the prison officials refused to give him his heart medication. His death was never investigated.

Sunday, March 1, 2020

John Paul Jones in the American Revolution

John Paul Jones in the American Revolution Scottish by birth, Commodore John Paul Jones became the new United States first naval hero during the  American Revolution (1775-1783). Beginning his career as a merchant sailor and, later, captain, he was forced to flee to the North American colonies after killing a member of his crew in self defense. In 1775, shortly after the war began, Jones was able to secure a commission as lieutenant in the fledgling Continental Navy. Taking part in its early campaigns, he excelled as a commerce raider when given independent commands. Given command of the sloop-of-war Ranger (18 guns) in 1777, Jones received the first foreign salute of the American flag and became the first Continental Navy officer to capture a British warship. In 1779, he repeated the feat when a squadron under his command captured HMS Serapis (44) and HMS Countess of Scarborough (22) at the Battle of Flamborough Head. With the end of the conflict, Jones later served as a rear admiral in the Imperial Russian Navy. Fast Facts: John Paul Jones Rank: Captain (US), Rear Admiral (Russia)Service: Continental Navy, Imperial Russian NavyBirth Name: John PaulBorn: July 6, 1747 at Kirkcudbright, ScotlandDied: July 18, 1792, Paris, FranceParents: John Paul, Sr. and Jean (McDuff) PaulConflicts: American RevolutionKnown For: Battle of Flamborough Head (1777) Early Life Born John Paul on July 6, 1747, at Kirkcudbright, Scotland, John Paul Jones was the son of a gardener. Going to sea at age 13, he first served aboard the merchant ship Friendship which operated out of Whitehaven. Progressing through the merchant ranks, he sailed on both trading vessels and slavers. A skilled sailor, he was made first mate of the slaver Two Friends in 1766. Though the slave trade was lucrative, Jones became disgusted with it and departed the vessel two years later. In 1768, while sailing as a mate aboard the brig John, Jones suddenly ascended to command after yellow fever killed the captain. Safely bringing the vessel back to port, the ships owners made him the permanent captain. In this role, Jones made several profitable voyages to the West Indies. Two years after taking command, Jones was forced to severely flog a disobedient sailor. His reputation suffered when the sailor died a few weeks later. Leaving John, Jones became captain of the London-based Betsey. While lying off Tobago in December 1773, trouble began with his crew and he was forced to kill one of them in self-defense. In the wake of this incident, he was advised to flee until an admiralty commission could be formed to hear his case. North America Traveling north to Fredericksburg, VA, Jones hoped to obtain aid from his brother who had settled in the area. Finding that his brother had died, he took over his affairs and estate. It was during this period that he added Jones to his name, possibly in an effort to distance himself from his past. Sources are unclear regarding his activities in Virginia, however it is known that he traveled to Philadelphia in the summer of 1775, to offer his services to the new Continental Navy after the start of the American Revolution. Endorsed by Richard Henry Lee, Jones was commissioned as the first lieutenant of the frigate Alfred (30) Continental Navy Fitting out in Philadelphia, Alfred was commanded by Commodore Esek Hopkins. On December 3, 1775, Jones became the first to hoist the US flag over an American warship. The following February, Alfred served as Hopkins flagship during the expedition against New Providence in the Bahamas. Landing marines on March 2, 1776, Hopkins force succeeded in capturing weapons and supplies which were badly needed by General George Washingtons army at Boston. Returning to New London, Jones was given command of the sloop Providence (12), with the temporary rank of captain, on May 10, 1776. While aboard Providence, Jones displayed his skill as a commerce raider capturing sixteen British ships during one six-week cruise and received his permanent promotion to captain. Arriving at Narragansett Bay on October 8, Hopkins appointed Jones to command Alfred. Through the fall, Jones cruised off Nova Scotia capturing several additional British vessels and securing winter uniforms and coal for the army. Putting into Boston on December 15, he began a major refit on the vessel. While in port, Jones, a poor politician, began feuding with Hopkins. As result, Jones was next assigned to command the new 18-gun sloop-of-war Ranger rather than one of the new frigates being built for the Continental Navy. Departing Portsmouth, NH on November 1, 1777, Jones was ordered to proceed to France to assist the American cause in any way possible. Arriving at Nantes on December 2, Jones met with Benjamin Franklin and informed the American commissioners of the victory at the Battle of Saratoga. On February 14, 1778, while in Quiberon Bay, Ranger received the first recognition of the American flag by a foreign government when it was saluted by the French fleet. Cruise of Ranger Sailing from Brest on April 11, Jones sought to bring the war home to the British people with the goal of forcing the Royal Navy to withdraw forces from American waters. Boldly sailing into the Irish Sea, he landed his men at Whitehaven on April 22 and spiked the guns in the towns fort as well as burned shipping in the harbor. Crossing Solway Firth, he landed at St. Marys Isle to kidnap the Earl of Selkirk whom he believed could be exchanged for American prisoners of war. Coming ashore, he found that the Earl was away. To placate the desires of his crew, he seized the familys set of silver plate. Crossing the Irish Sea, Ranger encountered the sloop-of-war HMS Drake (20) on April 24. Attacking, Ranger captured the ship after an hour-long battle. Drake became the first British warship to be captured by the Continental Navy. Returning to Brest, Jones was greeted as a hero. Promised a new, larger ship, Jones soon encountered problems with the American commissioners as well as the French admiralty. After some struggle, he obtained a former East Indiaman which he converted into a warship. Mounting 42 guns, Jones named the ship Bonhomme Richard in tribute to Benjamin Franklin. Battle of Flamborough Head Sailing on August 14, 1779, Jones commanded a five-ship squadron. Proceeding northwest, Jones moved up the west coast of Ireland and turned to circle the British Isles. While the squadron captured several merchant ships, Jones experienced persistent problems with insubordination from his captains. On September 23, Jones encountered a large British convoy off Flamborough Head escorted by HMS Serapis (44) and HMS Countess of Scarborough (22). Jones maneuvered Bonhomme Richard to engage Serapis while his other ships intercepted Countess of Scarborough. Though Bonhomme Richard was pounded by Serapis, Jones was able to close and lash the two ships together. In a prolonged and brutal fight, his men were able to overcome the British resistance and succeeded in capturing Serapis. It was during this fight that Jones reputedly replied to a British demand for surrender with Surrender? I have not yet begun to fight! As his men were achieving their victory, his consorts captured Countess of Scarborough. Turning for Texel, Jones was forced to abandon the battered Bonhomme Richard on September 25. America Again hailed as a hero in France, Jones was awarded the rank of Chevalier by King Louis XVI. On June 26, 1781, Jones was appointed to command America (74) which was then under construction at Portsmouth. Returning to America, Jones threw himself into the project. Much to his disappointment, the Continental Congress elected to give the ship to France in September 1782, to replace Magnifique which had run aground entering Boston harbor. Completing the ship, Jones turned it over to its new French officers. Foreign Service With the end of the war, Jones, like many Continental Navy officers, was discharged. Left idle, and feeling that he was not given enough credit for his actions during the war, Jones willingly accepted an offer to serve in the navy of Catherine the Great. Arriving in Russia in 1788, he served in that years campaign on the Black Sea under the name Pavel Dzhones. Though he fought well, he bickered with the other Russian officers and was soon politically outmaneuvered by them. Recalled to St. Petersburg, he was left without a command and soon departed for Paris. Returning to Paris in May 1790, he lived there in retirement, though he did make attempts to re-enter Russian service. He died alone on July 18, 1792. Buried in St. Louis Cemetery, Jones remains were returned to the United States in 1905. Carried aboard the armored cruiser USS Brooklyn, they were interred in an elaborate crypt within the United States Naval Academy Chapel at Annapolis, MD.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Please answer each one with a short papragraph Assignment

Please answer each one with a short papragraph - Assignment Example From the Colleen Barrett speech, one learns that as a leader a manager should look after his or her employees. The employees’ needs and problems are also the leader’s concern. A leader should be patient and understanding towards the employees. As a leader, the best way to implement servant leadership is through empathy. The manager should learn to understand what the employee goes through and provide them with support both physically and psychologically. Dr. Clayton Christensen gave three questions, which a student should ask himself or herself while planning to start a career. First, how can a student be sure he or she will be happy with the chosen career? Second, how can one know that his or her relationship with both the spouse and family become an enduring source of joy? Finally, how can a person be sure he or she will stay out of prison? Dr. Clayton Christensen’s personal questions enable one to evaluate him or herself based on career choice, relationships and moral values. Based on careers self evaluation, the advice ensures identification of the best career, which is also satisfactory. His recommendations also assist in analysing and knowing how to deal with human relationships especially between spouses and family. The last advice rules assists in straightening moral values. An individual can implement the following recommendations by choosing a suitable career, maintaining proper relationships and having agreeable va lues. Microsoft excel is one of the many Microsoft packages that assist in data input and presentation. As a beginner, the video tutorials assist in learning more about the program. The tutorial trains users on how the format works and how to enter data into the spreadsheet. Secondly, the tutorial informs the user on how to easily add more rows and columns to a table without worrying about updating formula references and filter settings.

Saturday, February 1, 2020

The Decision to Use the Atomic Bomb Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The Decision to Use the Atomic Bomb - Article Example Recommendations made by Stimson to presidents Roosevelt and Truman were based on consultation with the people concerned with the issue. One of the sources that Stimson relied on for information was General Grove. This person was to provide information on the progress of the project design for making the atomic bombs. The other source of information that Stimson relied on was the secretary of state and secretary of naval forestall. Moreover, Stimson relied on information from other members of the interim committee as well as members of the scientific panel. All these sources provided him with information that assisted him in arriving at the recommendations to both President Roosevelt and President Truman. Air of uncertainty indicated no proof that any given bomb would explode when dropped from an airplane. This resulted to a problem of exploding a bomb at predetermined height in air. However, the atomic bombs had a higher chance of exploding when dropped from a plane than the other types of bombs. This made them to be preferable to the other types of bombs. Therefore, the â€Å"air of uncertainty† influenced the choices made by revealing that other bombs had a lower chance of exploding when dropped from a plane compared to the atomic bomb. Several people influenced the reached decision. Participants who had most influence on the reached decisions were President Roosevelt and President Truman. Other individuals who had most influence on the reached decisions were the members of the interim committee including Stimson. Moreover, General Grove had a very great influence on the decisions of using the nuclear bombs in the war against Japan. This is because he was the one who provided the information on the progress of the project initiated to create the bombs. The other people who had most influenced on the reached decisions were the members of the scientific panel since they provided

Friday, January 24, 2020

Evolutionary Developmental Biology Essay -- Biology

Evolutionary developmental biology (evo-devo) was instituted in the early 1980s as a distinctive field of study to characterise the new synthesis of evolution hypothesis (MÃ ¼ller, 2007). Evo-devo is regarded as a new rule in evolutionary biology and a complement to neo-Darwinian theories. It has formed from the combination of molecular developmental biology and evolutionary molecular genetics; their integration has helped greatly to understand both of these fields. Evo-devo as a discipline has been exploring the role of the process of individual development and the changes in evolutionary phenotype, meaning the developmental procedure by which single-celled zygotes grow to be multicellular organisms. Alterations in the developmental program frequently cause differences in adult morphology. When these alterations are helpful, they grow to be fixed in a population and can result in the evolution of new phyla. Evo-devo seeks to figure out how new groups happen by understanding how the method of development has evolved in different lineages. In other word, evo-devo explains the interaction between phenotype and genotype (Hall, 2007). Explanation of morphological novelty of evolutionary origins is one of the middle challenges in current evolutionary biology, and is intertwined with energetic discussion regarding how to connect developmental biology to standard perspectives from the theory of evolution (Laubichler, 2010). A large amount of theoretical and experiential effort is being devoted to novelties that have challenged biologists for more than one hundred years, for instance, the basis of fins in fish, the fin-to-limb change and the evolution of feathers. The biology of development promises to formulate a main contribution to these... Moreover, the relationship between neo-Darwinian evolutionary theory and evo-devo is highly contested (Hoekstra and Coyne, 2007; Minelli, 2010). However, the understanding of evo-devo methods and how the characteristics of the morphologies of different species diverged eventually is still comparatively limited. Craig (2010) stated that this field has obviously contributed to the understanding of genes and, subsequently, the understanding morphological characteristics of evolution in intricate organisms. There has been significant confirmation of evo-devo’s claim that regulatory modifications play an essential role in the evolution of shape. Evo-devo is the process of becoming a conceptual hub for an even larger integration of research areas in organismal biology, including genetics, ecology, paleontology, behavior, cognition, and other fields (Gerd B. MÃ ¼ller)

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Anti Natal Care Health Service Health And Social Care Essay

Anti natal attention is one of the of import wellness services provided by ministry of wellness for long clip. It is provided by primary attention centres which are distributed along the sultanate. In add-on, secondary and third attention centres are lending to this service by following up complicated instances and those with co-morbid conditions like bosom disease and diabetes mellitus. Pregnant ladies are provided booking green card for follow up boulder clay bringing. Pregnancy is physiological procedure that is associated with some conditions and affected by others like anaemia, diabetes and fleshiness ( 1-6 ) . These status are common in our state ( 7 ) . Besides the result of the gestation is affected by other factors like grade of blood kinship and familial diseases like reaping hook cell anaemia and thalassaemia which are besides common. ( 8,9 ) . The result of the gestation can be improved by go toing pre matrimonial guidance and pre construct guidance which are besides provided by primary attention centres. So our purpose is to place some ANC jobs in the community and seek to undertake them earlier e.g. Anemia, blood kinship, prenuptial and prepossession guidance by analysing the information given at ANC booking collected at third infirmary ( khoula infirmary ) in Muscat, Oman Method: Consequences: Our survey came up with a batch of consequences that we can utilize them to better the prenatal attention. It is demoing that more than 2/3rd of the clients are in their 3rd decennaries and about 1/4th are in 4th decennary. Merely 2 % are above 40 old ages and 4 % are below 20 old ages. Besides the hubbies are chiefly distributed in 3rd and 4th decennaries with similar per centum in each decennary. Around 61 % of the clients complete their secondary school, 11 % are holding advanced instruction and merely 6 % are illiterate ( see fig. ( ) . Besides merely 27 % of them are employers compared to 88 % of their hubbies are employers. Most of our clients presented for their engagement before 13 hebdomads of gestation with per centum of 67 % and 14 % presented before 28 hebdomads of gestation. Sing past medical history, 13 clients claimed to hold including 6 holding diabetes and 3 holding high blood pressure but bulk of them holding household history of diabetes, high blood pressure and ca rdiovascular disease 48, 30 and 7 patients severally. Besides more than half of the clients are holding unnatural organic structure mass index ( BMI ) and merely 42 % holding normal BMI and 11 % holding low BMI. Around have of patients are related and half of these are holding foremost degree blood kinship. On the other manus, merely 5 % had prenuptial guidance and 8 % had pre construct guidance. About 2/3rd did non utilize contraceptive method before their gestation and most of those who used contraceptive method they have used other traditional contraceptive method followed by injection and so combined unwritten preventives, 11, 8 and 7 patients severally. Merely 1/4th of our patients did non be after their gestation and 13 % became pregnant while utilizing contraceptive method. Most of the clients are either gravida I or holding gravid less than 5, 44 and 41 clients severally. 30 clients reported old gestational complications including 23 maternal, 16 fetal and 9 combined complic ations.those who have aneima ( hemoglobin & A ; lt ; 11 ) at booking histories for 26 % of the entire sample. The bi-variant analysis besides demoing some of import consequences. First, there is association between gestational age at engagement and both business and degree of instruction but it is non important i.e. employers and those holding high degree of instruction nowadays earlier with ( Fisher ‘s exact = 0.166 ) and ( 0.750 ) severally. There is important association between degree of instruction and para, i.e platinum with higher degree of instruction holding low para with ( Fisher ‘s exact =0.009 ) . Besides this survey is demoing that there is important association between figure of para and degree of haemoglobin and old gestational complications with ( Pr = 0.004 and Fisher ‘s exact = 0.000 ) severally. i.e higher para is associated with old gestational complications and low haemoglobin. However there is no association between para and high blood pressure. We can besides reason that there is non-significant association between fleshiness and each of old cesarean subdivision, diabetes mellitus and high blood pressure with ( Fisher ‘s exact = 0.149, 0.423 and 0.606 ) severally. Discussion As we saw in the consequences that bulk of the patient are in their 3rd and 4th decennaries severally. It non surprising as we know that Oman is one of the developing states and is holding pyramidic distribution of its population and bulk of them are immature. So as effects, we are seeing that 44 % of the clients are primigravida and 41 % are holding gravida between 2 and 5 which besides can be related to patients & A ; acirc ; ˆâ„ ¢ business position every bit good. . Besides the fact that 4 % of our patient are younger than 20 old ages, can be explained by first, procedure of instruction and we saw that around 2/3rd of our patient completed secondary school and normally by age of 18 old ages. Second, increased consciousness among the population which is besides can be contributed to wellness instruction provided by ministry of wellness. Third, employment position, although merely around 1/4th of our patients are employed. besides can be explained by complexness of life, that is the males are now acquiring more troubles to acquire married in early age, they have to analyze and so to work and eventually to afford everything in order to hold a household. We besides see about 6 % of our patient are illiterate, this is high figure despite the availabity of free instruction. The bulk of patients hubbies are working and this is traveling with world here in our state that is the hubbies are working outside and the female parents are taking attention of their houses and kids. As we mentioned that bulk of the clients presented for booking earlier 13 hebdomads of age, there is non-significant association with both degree of instruction and position of employment i.e. employers and educated female parents are showing earlier for booking. This all together can be related to increase consciousness of importance of prenatal attention and follow up and close propinquity of primary wellness attention centres. As Medical status can impact the gestation, we noticed that 6 % of our clients are holding DM and 3 % holding high blood pressure. This is low compared to the prevalence of these conditions in general population which is 11.6 and 33. ( 7 ) this can be explained by low sample size and larger size is needed to demo such prevalence and because of immature population in our sample.. On the other manus, we noticed a batch of patients are holding household history of diabetes, high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease. Despite the high prevalence of familial diseases like reaping hook cell anaemia, thalassaemia, ( 8,9 ) merely really few patients are go toing pre-marital and pre construct guidance. Besides, half of them are holding blood kinship and 1/4th are holding 1st degree blood kinship. So these are some of the jobs that need a batch of attempts to be tackled in order to hold healthy persons and to avoid passing a batch of moneys in handling such conditions. This can be done thr ough increasing the consciousness of such guidance, promote people to go to prenuptial guidance. Besides pre-conception guidance is of import to place patients who are at high hazard of acquiring gestation, acquire control of their medical conditions if they have like diabetes, high blood pressure, epilepsy and bronchial asthma and supply addendums like folic acid and if anaemic they need ferric sulfate. Sing contraceptive method, we know that ministry of wellness are making great occupation in supplying this service in primary attention centres. In 1994 and prior to get downing birth spacing in Oman, the prophylactic prevalence rate was of 12.7 % and in 1995, this prevalence increased to 28 % . ( 10 ) But in our survey less than 1/3rd of the clients have used contraceptive method before their gestation. This can be due to the undermentioned grounds. First, 44 % are primigravida.second, deficiency of consciousness. Third, the clients may experience shy in describing contraceptive method usage and methods to the nurses while acquiring the green cards. Besides 11 % coverage usage of other traditional methods of contraceptive method, which is the frequent method, used in our sample and for this ground we are seeing the higher failure rate of 13 % . The Numberss of old complications are high in our sample and it is significantly associated with figure of para, the higher the para means higher rate of complications. Besides it is known that most of the gestational complications are associated with organic structure mass index. ( 1-6 ) this what we found in our he-man, that there is non-significant association between BMI and old cesarean subdivision ( CS ) , so AS BMI increase the patient is more likely to hold CS which besides found in another surveies. ( 2,3,5,6 ) as we see in the consequences, around half of the sample patients are holding high BMI, so this will set them at hazard of complications. On the other manus there are patient with low BMI and besides this will them under the hazard. So malnutrition is another job in our state that should be tackled. Besides the bi-variant analysis is demoing that BMI is non-significantly associated with high blood pressure and diabetes mellitus. So as BMI increase the hazard of holdin g high blood pressure and diabetes besides increase. Anemia in our sample is about 26 % which is low compared to 2006 index ( 11 ) and compared to another survey done at sharqia part ( 12 ) . Besides we noticed that there is important association between anaemia and figure of para i.e. lady with higher figure of para is more likely to hold anaemia. This expected physiological response, because the maternal organic structure is ever fring and in demands for Fe as consequence of frequent gestation, blood loss during deliver and increase demand during breastfeeding. Restrictions: Our survey has several restrictions. First, little sample size and that is because the period of informations aggregation was short. 2nd, it is done in third attention where many complicated instances are referred. Third, the random choice of the patient was non computing machine based. Decisions Form the survey ; we noticed some common jobs which need to be tackled like malnutrition, low contraceptive method usage, high blood kinship rate, illiteracy and anaemia. Besides we can reason that there is important association between figure of para and all of degree of instruction, anaemia and old complications.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Applications for Canadian Permanent Resident Cards

Updated: 08/12/07 Who Should Apply for a Canadian Permanent Resident Card Canadian immigrants with permanent resident status who arrived in Canada before June 28, 2002 should apply for a Permanent Resident Card. The card replaces the IMM 1000 document. After December 31, 2003 all Canadian permanent residents, including children, returning to Canada by commercial vehicle (plane, boat, train or bus) must use the new card to prove their permanent resident status. Permanent Resident Cards are generally issued for five years, or in exceptional circumstances for one year. Permanent residents who plan to travel overseas should obtain a Permanent Resident Card before their departure. You should apply for a Permanent Resident Card at least two months before your departure. Processing times may vary, so check current processing times provided by Canada Citizenship and Immigration and adjust accordingly. Immigrants who became Canadian permanent residents on or after June 28, 2002 do not need to apply for a Permanent Resident Card. A Permanent Resident Card should have been mailed to you automatically. If you did not provide a mailing address to the Canada Border Services Agency when you entered Canada, you should do so as soon as possible. You must provide your mailing address within 180 days of entering Canada, or you will have to apply for a Permanent Resident Card and pay the appropriate fee. You can provide your mailing address online or by contacting the Permanent Resident Card Call Centre. Renewal of Permanent Resident Cards Since Permanent Resident Cards are issued for five years, or in some cases one year, permanent residents should check the expiry date on their PR Card if they plan to travel outside Canada. Five-year permanent resident cards began expiring in July 2007. Be sure to apply for a new Permanent Resident Card at least two months before you plan to leave the country. Permanent Resident Card Application Kits and Forms You can download the Permanent Resident Card application kit and forms from the Citizenship and Immigration Canada site. The forms must be completed, signed and mailed to the address given on the form. Detailed instructions on completing the form and the documents required to be included with the form are given in the application guide that comes with the kit. If you wish to have a printed application kit mailed to you, you can call the Permanent Resident Call Centre at 1-888-242-2100. Kits can only be sent to addresses in Canada. Allow at least two weeks for delivery. Application Fees for Permanent Resident Cards The fee for processing a Permanent Resident Card application is $50.00. Fees are subject to change. There are two ways to pay the application fee. Pay onlinePay your fee at a financial institution in Canada. To pay the fee, you must complete an original of the Fees Receipt Form IMM 5401, and take it to a financial institution with your payment. The bank will stamp the receipt form. You then attach the middle portion (Copy 2) to your Permanent Resident Card application. The fee is not refundable. Urgent Cases If you plan to travel outside Canada and do not think you will have time to get a Permanent Resident Card before you leave Canada, Citizenship and Immigration Canada may be able to process your application on an urgent basis. Check Information Regarding Urgent Cases to find out how to request that your application be processed on an urgent basis. Permanent residents wanting to return to Canada who do not have a Permanent Resident Card may contact the nearest Canadian visa office to obtain a limited use travel document to re-enter Canada at a cost of $50 each. You can download the application for a travel document (permanent resident abroad) online. Check the Status of Your Permanent Resident Card Application To check on the status of your Permanent Resident Card application, you can use the Canadian Immigration Client Application Status tool. Please note that the status of your application will not show in the Client Application Status tool until Citizenship and Immigration Canada has begun processing your application. To find out how long it may take to process your application, check the current processing times. There is no point in checking on the status of your application unless the specified processing time has passed. Questions About Your Permanent Resident Card Application If you have questions about your Permanent Resident Card Application, contact the Citizenship and Immigration Canada Call Centre if you are in Canada, or your local visa office if you are outside Canada.